Why does my verification keep getting rejected?


Last Update 2 years ago

Ensuring the Melanin Matchmaker community is safe, honest and intentional is very important to us.

Therefore, we are unlikely to verify your profile if:

- Your verification photo does not match your profile photo(s)

- Your verification photo is blurry and/or you are not striking the requested pose

- You display any inappropriate content (photos or descriptions)

- Your description for what you are looking for relates to sex or 'hook ups'

- Your description for what you are looking for lacks effort

- We believe your profile could be deceptive

- We don't believe the Melanin Matchmaker platform is for you

- We have reason to believe your profile has inaccurate information or you are being dishonest e.g. You are 18 years of age and claim you have a PHD

Please note, we reserve the right to not provide reasons for profiles being rejected. 

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